Sunday, December 2, 2012

Awkward moment

Have you ever had that awkward moment when your friends parents come and try to hang out with you and your friends? Ya in had that tonight and it was extremely awks......

1 comment:

  1. yes actualy it happend to me over the summer. me and my friends were sparring with gloves and stuff and my friends dad came down(he is 6,3 and sits about 225) and said "which one a yals gonna fight me" and they all said that I would. So than he put on the gear and we touched gloves. I was scared stiff and threw a left hook to the side of his head. it made him stumble backwards I threw a couple more and he plowed in the left side of my face with a huge right. It was so forcefull that I was thrown to the ground. I got back up and drove my fist into his gut with an uppercut, but right after that he threw a straight left right into my nose. than i sides tepped and got off a few body shots. than he threw a punch so hard that it knocked my head gear right off. and followed up with two more shots to my nose by then my friend were laughing there heads off. I was pissed by then. I threw a very hard left(im a south paw) right into his eye. than my friend stepped in and ended it. He had a black eye and I had a bloody nose but it was fun.
