Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Things I Think About

What do you think about? I myself find myself always thinking about something new. One second I will be thinking about sleep and the next i will be thinking about something that happend earlier that day. (Thats the mind of a kid with ADHD for you) But something that comes into my head a lot is school. Some of the things that come into my head are, why do we have school, why is school so boring, and the most common one why is this school day so long. I know school is an important thing but sometimes I just find it worthless, I mean when am I ever going to use half of he stuff that I do in my math class, when will I ever need the stuff in my science class, and also when will I ever use stuff I learn in  my mythology class? The stuff we learn in school needs to be changed up we need more classes that we will actually use in life. Or even just changed some of the stuff we use in our daily classes.

- Macklemore

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